My Story

The day it all changed
The day it all changed

Hello everyone, my name is Jessica Toresco -TBI survivor extraordinaire and I would like to welcome you to my website. The purpose of my site is to help others that are going through what my family and I went through when I had my car accident and wound up in a coma.   On May 11, 2009 with only a few day until my high school graduation, I had a horrible car accident and suffered a traumatic bran injury. That day everything changed forever for me, my family and my friends.

Up until them I was a normal teenage girl. (What is normal anyways?) I hung out with friends, did a lot of girl things like nails, going to movies and talking about boys. I would even do my homework every now and then.

From what i was told i was making a left turn into Cosco and a F550 hit my passenger side pushing my friend, me and the car up over the median, across entrance lane to Cosco and into a group of trees.
The impact to my head put me right into a coma. I do not remember a thing. Much love and a huge thank you to Stacy Lawhorn and all the firefighters that helped me that day.

Stacy and me
Stacy and me
I was air lifted to Delray Medical hospital, where I spent 2 months in a coma. Now if you were to ask me if i had even ever been to that hospital I would tell you no, I don’t remember a thing. Come to think of it I one of the bright spot to TBI is you don’t remember much. So it is easy to forget the bad stuff and keep moving forward.
After the 2 months i finally reached a level on the scale they use to measure when you are able to  start recovery and I was transported me to Jacksonville for recovery.
At Brooks waking up
At Brooks waking up

This is where i woke up. I thought i had fallen off my horse and my mom sold my car.  I was confused as to why I couldn’t walk, why my right hand was in a cast, I never broke a bone in my life. Turns out it was only in a cast to prevent it from attacking me….seriously it has a mind of it’s own now, check out my videos and see for yourself.

I just couldn’t believe that was me. My whole right side was not working no matter how hard I tried my smile was crooked and my arm would just flop around or curl up. I couldn’t walk and the bathroom situation was really interesting. Soon Realty set in and the long road to recovery started.
I was shown pictures and my mom and family explained to me what had happened to me. It still doesn’t make sense but I know God kept me here for a reason and my purpose is to help others going through the same see and believe that life is precious and it goes on. I mean think about it, the alternative is not that great.nothing working
Now if you have had a traumatic brain injury then you know every case is different. I am making the best out of every minute of the day. My goal is to use my experience as a reference to help others going through the same thing.
Jess thumbsupI’m still here and would like to help spread the word that you will be ok, life goes on. I know sometimes it gets hard, just place your right hand over your chest, feel your heart beat and remember you have a purpose.
I’m just a girl developing a website to help others. Please like & share. Help me help others by sharing their stories and spreading the word that life is all what you make it out to be. Like Joe dirt says, “Keep on Keeping on!

Like it baby I am a TBI survivor